What is Cloud-Based Software?

When most people think of software or applications, they think of a computer program that is installed on their PC or laptop. Cloud software is a little different—but much simpler (and safer) to use.  Cloud or Web-based software “lives” on the Internet. In much the same way as you would visit a Web site, you access these applications through a Web browser like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari or Google Chrome.

All information that you type into the software, and any files that you create, are saved on the Web site and protected with a unique user name and password.


You probably already use Web-based software. Here are two common examples:

  • Online email services like Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo! Mail are all examples of cloud software—your emails are not downloaded and saved on your computer as they are with Microsoft Outlook, for example.
  • Online banking sites where you enter information and make transactions on your bank’s Web site without having to download the data to your PC.

With cloud-based software, your data is accessible over the web from any computer. It’s Safe, secure, and password protected, of course. Your data is automatically backed up daily. Our state-of-the-art servers are protected by biometric locks, with armed guards and 24-hour surveillance.

Everyone you work with logs into the same centralized account, with everything stored in one place. No more worrying about who has the latest information: Everyone has it (as long as they have a password and access assigned by you).

You can work from home, work, or on the road. When you use cloud-based software your office is everywhere. At work, at home, a hotel, at a client’s office, even on your mobile phone or iPad. You data is accessible anywhere you have internet access.