Automated Notifications Options

Change the master name and email for automated notifications sent from your company account

This is one of the most-requested features we’ve ever had!  By default, the account holder’s name and email address are used for automated notifications, such as login details, updates, etc.  You can now assign a master name and email for all notifications sent from your company account.  It can be a person’s name, a company name, a department name, whatever you choose to type into the field.  Please be sure it’s a working email address.  See “My Company > Automated Notifications.”


Add or Remove Account Owner’s name from Automated Notifications

Automated notifications are sent from the email address designated on the “My Company” page. Some business owners want their name in the signature and others don’t. These new options on the “My Company>Automated Notifications” page make this easier to manage and preview:



Add company name and phone to the footer of Automated Notifications

We have added new options to add your company name and phone number to all automated notifications sent to clients and affiliates.  You will find these new options in MY COMPANY — AUTOMATED NOTIFICATIONS.
