Credit-Aid Software

Coupon Code Promo Code Discount Code

Looking for Credit-Aid discount coupon code promo code?

Today is your lucky day! Here's a discount coupon code promo code for 10% off any version we sell:

The discount coupon code is: CRED-6IN2-UFXV . Enter this into the cart and you will receive the discount.

The discount will apply to any Credit-Aid software version, HOME or Professional. but it must be used during your purchase. It cannot be applied later.

Enter this promo code into the cart where it asks for a discount code. You will automatically receive 10% discount.

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Have a great day!

The Credit-Aid Team


Credit-Aid Software

Credit-Aid Pro

"I raised my Credit Score 237 points in 30 days!"

- Dave G., Phoenix, AZ
  • Windows
  • Windows
  • Windows

#1 in Credit Repair Software since 2002 and used by more companies, big and small.